Oh and if you thought any of the map designs in DOOM or other FPS game here, were tedious? Spear of Destiny and Wolf 3D's maps were literally mazes. We take a lot of features given to us in FPS games today for granted, so I'd think people would be turned off with how little they'd have to work with in these older games. No armor, which makes this game pretty difficult if you are not used to the idea of having no armor. You had enemies, keys, doors and three varied gun types to shoot with. These games were barebones for what you were going to get with FPS. The father of FPS games themselves, Spear of Destiny and Wolfenstein 3D. The old /r/patientgamers Essential Games List Please use flair to display what games you’re currently playing, not a punch line, username, tag, URL, or signature. New, mobile-friendly spoilers can be posted using the following formatting: Want to play online in a dead gaming community? We expect you to know these rules before making a post.

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